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Marble Surface

about staci

Health, like life, is a journey.

Staci always wanted to help others get healthy, ever since she was a little girl who dressed up as a doctor for career day in kindergarten. As fate would have it, as she was choosing a topic for her graduate school thesis at NYU, she fell upon the topic of obesity and diabetes. This led to a love of nutrition, and fate stepped in again. As she received the last of rejection letters from medical schools, she found a flier in her mailbox about a new one-year nutrition program at the Institute of Human Nutrition (IHN) at Columbia University. 


After completing her Master of Science in Biology at NYU, her Master of Science in Human Nutrition at IHN, and then finishing up her dietetic internship prerequisites in the Master of Education program in Nutrition and Education at Teacher's College, Columbia University, she went on to become a registered dietitian in 2010.


Through work experience at the USDA in nutrition research as well as extensive nutrition counseling and meal planning experience in weight management, long-term care, fitness, medical weight loss, education, and bariatric nutrition environments, Staci realized something was missing. After her husband lost his job in March 2017, she started freelance writing again, as she once did years before, to make some extra money. She realized writing was her passion and would be the way to help spread the message of healthy living to a larger audience. Once her husband found a new job, she decided to write and work from home full-time. The rest is history and the journey has just begun. 

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